Why did you first bring your pet to the veterinarian? Please describe your pet's problem(s) in your own words. For example, you do not see "hip dysplasia" but you do see your pet limping because of it. Example: I notice my pet holding up their leg after exercise. Note any lameness, limping, swelling, pain, favoring, etc.
What date or time frame did you first notice the patient had a problem/lameness? Please be specific in your description
List the patient's medications and if they are effective. Example: Deramaxx 75mg daily; not helping much. Tramadol 50mg three times a day; can't walk without it.
Please make sure to list ALL medications that the patient is taking including daily medications not for this problem.
If Yes, when was the last time they had one and are they on any medications for them?
Thank you!
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If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at 850-479-9484 ext. 2, text 850-816-0701, or email dahsurgeon@gmail.com.