Canine Flu & Your Dog!
"Gator" enjoying the Gulf coast!
Travel time is upon us which means more visitors not from Pensacola.
In order to help keep your fur-babies in a safe environment during their stay, there is going to be a change in the vaccines required to board and groom at the Davis Pet Hotel & Spa.
Starting July 1, 2018, we will be requiring your dog to be current with the Canine Bivalent Flu vaccine (H3N2/H2N8).
We will not be accepting the single canine flu vaccine because of the increase of both flu strain cases in Florida and the surrounding areas.
This is a 2-part vaccine series that we will be glad to vaccinate your dog for if it has not been done at your normal veterinarian's office.
If your dog has a current exam with Davis Animal Hospital, we will not charge an additional examination fee to get this vaccine updated. The first vaccine will be $25. The second vaccine will be given three weeks apart, and is $25. This vaccine is then updated once yearly.
If your dog does not have a current exam with Davis Animal Hospital, the examination and first vaccine will be a total of $65. The second vaccine will be given three weeks apart, and is $25. This vaccine is then updated once yearly.
Thank you for your understanding as we transition our protocols to keep your pets safe!
If you have any questions, please contact us at 850-479-9484 or click HERE to schedule an appointment.
~Julie Harper, Davis Pet Hotel & Spa Manager